Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Film School, Zombies

Welcome, my dear students, to the 113th lecture in CraveOnline's Free Film School, hands down the single best film school you will ever encounter. Why is it good? For one, it's informative and educational, and will – if working properly – expand your view of the world of cinema. Perhaps more importantly, it's free, and you're allowed to attend classes in the nude. Take THAT, NYU. This is also a film school that, when not expounding endlessly about queer cinema, or offering you half-baked editorials that escaped from the mind of the sometime-humble professor masterminding the whole deal, will have fun lectures on obscure subgenres of film. This week's lecture will be all about that now-everpresent stalwart of popular culture: zombies.

Over the course of the '00s, zombies (like vampires) somehow escaped the purview of the Halloween season, and started to shamble through every facet of pop culture at any time of the year. There was, it seems, a shared zombie apocalypse fantasy on the fingertips of every blogger, video game fan, and geek who had internet access. The joyous chaos and delightful gore promised by a good zombie attack proved to be a delicious escape that everyone seemed to share. There were the occasional books or board games or movies with zombies in them, and video game most certainly felt a huge influx of zombie material, but the zombie phenomenon seemed to be predicated on something far less tangible than a singular piece of art; it wasn't a book or a movie that kicked off the neo-zombie craze. 

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